International Student Academic Accommodations Policy


This policy will ensure fairness in access and engagement with course resources and assignments for students enrolled from outside North American time zones.

Policy Responsibility

Staff Responsibility

CGI staff interacting with students from outside North America are required to make themselves available at least once a week outside North American academic and business hours (i.e., 7:00 am to 8:00 pm) to call or videoconference with students related to admissions, enrollment, and academic business.

Director of the Program Responsibility

The Director of the Program is responsible for ensuring that all coursework can be accessed and completed successfully without having to attend a synchronous webinar in a North American time zone. The Director of the Program is required to review all course activities and to work with instructors and instructional designers to ensure that students enrolled from time zones outside North America can successfully complete course activities without having to attend a synchronous activity that is outside normal business or academic hours in their time zone (from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm). The Director of the Program is required to monitor student progress with the Retention Team, and to respond in a timely manner (i.e., within 72 hours) to requests for accommodation due to time zone constraints from students.

Faculty Responsibility

Faculty Members are required to select one time in the early morning and one time in the evening in North American time zones that enrolled students can choose from to attend synchronous webinars, office hours, or to engage in any other required synchronous course related activities. Faculty members are responsible for ensuring that all course activities can be completed in an asynchronous manner for students located outside the North American time zones.

Student Responsibility

Enrolled students are required to engage, either synchronously or asynchronously, in all required course activities. Students who encounter difficulties engaging in course activities due to time zone constraints are required to report this first via email to their course instructor(s) and to request an alternative activity with a cc to the Director of the Program.

Approvals/Revision History

Policy was written on: 9/7/2021

Policy was approved by and date: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, 9/9/2021


