Policy Overview
Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies (CGI)is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Everyone is welcome at CGI, whatever your heritage, whomever you choose to love, however your family is formed, whatever your politics, and however you arrived here. CGI promotes equity and inclusion across our entire organization, and in all work that we do in our communities.
As a people-first institution, we welcome the collective and individual talents, skills, and perspectives of our students, faculty, staff, and partners, and actively cultivate a culture of belonging, collaboration, innovation, and mutual respect.
As such, we hope that CGI will be a place where you are inspired, supported, and empowered to contribute to the critical mission, vision, values, and goals of our institution.
At CGI, we do not tolerate discrimination. This includes but not limited to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexuality, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, amnesty or status as a covered veteran while at work or in their personal life. Conduct prohibited by these policies is unacceptable in the workplace, school environment, learning setting, webinars, discussion boards, emails and in any school or work-related. In addition, this includes but is not limited to social media, conversations, text messages, in person conversations, etc. If the action of discrimination occurred during or prior to working or enrolling at CGI, we will conduct an investigation and determine if actions need to be taken against the employee and/or student. The investigation will be conducted by a committee.
Policy Responsibility
This policy applies to all staff, faculty, and students, whether related to conduct engaged in by fellow team members or someone not directly connected to CGI (e.g., an outside vendor, consultant or customer). Conduct prohibited by these policies is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside the workplace, such as during business trips, business meetings and business-related social events. If the action
The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officer of CGI will be responsible for the dissemination of this policy.
The HR department is responsible for overall compliance and will maintain personnel records in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Policy Procedure
If someone feels as though a staff, faculty, student, and/or stakeholder in CGI has violated this, they should report it to the Human Resources Department for staff and faculty or the Policy and Compliance Office for students. The Human Resources Department and/or the Policy and Compliance Office will do an initial investigation of the situation. Both departments will do their best to keep the reports anonymity. Upon initial investigation, the person being accused, could be placed on administrative leave, with or without pay. If the initial investigation can be resolved through the Human Resources Department and/or the Policy and Compliance Office, they will do so and provide a resolution to all parties involved. Not all resolution information/decisions will be shared in detail, as confidentially is the utmost important in reports/cases. A report of violation can come in any manner of communication, but email or phone call are preferred by the Human Resource Department.
If the report needs to be investigated beyond the Human Resources Departments, the Human Resources Department will pull together a committee that will work with the Human Resources Department to come to a resolution. The committee will be led by the Human Resources Department and all decisions should be made as a collective committee. All actions based upon decision by the committee will be handled by Human Resources.
Actions that could be taken, depending on the outcome of the investigation, include but are limited to:
1. Temporary administrative leave with pay, no pay, or partial pay
2. Immediate termination
3. Written apologies to the people affected by this violation
4. Expulsion from the program
5. Probation
If someone feels as though Human Resources did not properly address and handle the situation appropriately, they may escalate the investigation to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and/or the Board of Directors at CGI.
If someone feels as though the CEO and/or Board of Directors did not address and/or handle the situation appropriately, they may follow CGI’s Compliant and Grievance Policy and Procedure.
False and malicious complaints of harassment, discrimination or retaliation may be the subject of appropriate disciplinary action.
At this time, there are no forms associated with this policy.
Approvals/Revision History
Policy was revised on: July 20th, 2020
Policy was approved by: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer