About Dr. Andreena Jackson

Dr. Andreena Jackson has worked as a Licensed Social Worker in the behavioral health field for the last 15 years in various capacities including Clinical Supervisor, Field Instructor, Site Manager, Mental Health Therapist, Volunteer Therapist, Facilitator, and Owner and Operator of Marshall Manor Adult Care Facility, a residential home for the behavioral health population. Currently Dr. Jackson serves as the CEO of Mindfitness Coaching & Consulting, LLC, a venture developed and launched during her culminating project research at CGI.

For her DBH Culminating Project, Dr. Jackson developed a research study that explored the barriers to physical activity for African American Women. Participants' responses to the study inspired Dr. Jackson to continue her study to gain knowledge that can lead to effective interventions and to educate African American women about chronic disease and the benefits of engaging in physical activities. Dr. Jackson’s research and culminating project outcomes served as the foundation for her venture, Mindfitness Coaching & Consulting, where Dr. Jackson devotes her knowledge and experience to helping individuals identify barriers that keep them from goal achievement. She now assists interdisciplinary teams with the implementation of the Integrated Care Model in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Learn more about Dr. Jackson and her culminating project watch the videos below.