Academic Performance Grades Policy

Policy Overview

Grades are based on the faculty member’s academic judgment that the student has demonstrated a specified level of performance based on objective and subjective grading rubrics, such as papers, presentations, assignments, examinations, projects, and discussions. Students are graded according to their individual performance in the course and not on a curve. Students are not compared with each other to determine a grade or performance ranking. Criteria for awarding grades for achievement may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Preparation of assignments, including accuracy, clarity and promptness
  • Quality of Contribution to faculty member-student discussions
  • Demonstrated knowledge of concepts on exams, papers, assignments, etc.
  • Application of skills and principles to new and real-life situations
  • Organization, presentation and professionalism of written and oral reports
  • Originality and reasoning ability demonstrated in working through assignments

Grade points are assigned to each of the following grades as indicated and used to calculate a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) for each student:

Grading Scale
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Unsatisfactory
A+ 97-100 4.0 B+ 87-89 3.0 C+ 77-79 2.0 D+ 67-69 1.0
A 93-96 4.0 B 83-86 3.0 C 73-76 2.0 D 63-66 1.0
A- 90-92 4.0 B- 80-82 3.0 C- 70-72 2.0 D- 60-62 1.0
F < 59 0.0

P (Passing) denotes satisfactory progress (80% (B-) or higher) in the Foundations (DBH 1000) or Culminating Project courses (DBH 9101, 9102, 9103). The “P” grade does not contribute to the calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average. For more information, please see the Foundations and Culminating Project Courses Grading Scale below.

Foundations (DBH 1000) and Culminating Project Courses (DBH 9101, 9102, 9103) Grading Scale ONLY

Foundations (DBH 1000) and the Culminating Project courses (DBH 9101, 9102, 9103) uses a pass/fail grading system. The faculty overseeing the course determines all final grades. The pass or fail grade will be based on a balance evaluation of both qualitative (e.g., participation in webinars) and quantitative (completion of assignments) data. Final Grades will be posted as follows:

Grading Scale - Foundations (DBH 1000) and Culminating Project Course (DBH 9101, 9102, 9103) ONLY
Grade  Grade Code Description 
Passing  P Passing the course (students who have completed the required assignments with a total grade of 80% or above)
Failing  F Failing the course (students who have not completed the required assignments or who have completed them at a total grade of 79% or lower). A failing grade will result in a requirement to retake the course. The student will be unable to progress to the next cohort until a passing grade has been earned for the course.
Incomplete  I Incomplete (students who have completed substantial work on all assignments and require additional edits or time in the course). If a student requires additional time beyond the term of enrollment to complete assigned deliverables for one or more Culminating Project cohort courses, an “I” grade may be requested.

This grade indicates that the student has entered into a written agreement, using the Incomplete Grade Form, with the faculty member for a six-week extension of the remaining deliverables, and that the student is currently making progress towards those deliverables under the supervision of the faculty member.

An “I” grade will result in students being unable to progress to the next cohort of the Culminating Project series until the required coursework is complete and approved by the faculty member. Once the coursework is approved, the faculty member will submit a Grade Change Form to the Registrar to  assign the appropriate passing grade and students will be allowed to register for the next cohort of DBH 9100 Culminating Project series. 

If the student is unable to complete the deliverables per the terms of the Incomplete Grade Form within the 6-week extension, the student must request an additional extension, and will be subject to a continuation fee of $350 for the additional extension. The student will be unable to progress to the next cohort of DBH 9100 Culminating Project series until all deliverables as outlined in the Incomplete Grade Form have been satisfied and approved by the student’s faculty member and Chair of the CP Committee.

Policy Responsibility

Staff Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the Registrar to review all Incomplete Grade Request Forms and Grade Replacement Forms.

Faculty Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the faculty member to abide by this policy and grade in a fair and according manner.

Student Responsibility

A student who wishes to appeal a final grade, should first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the faculty member who taught the course. If the student and faculty member are unable to come to a resolution, the student may submit an appeal to the Director of the Program. Grade appeals must be submitted no more than ten (10) calendar days after grades are posted. All grade appeals are reviewed by the Director of the Program. The appeal decision made under the authority of the program director is final; however, students have the right to file a grievance, using the Grievance Procedure outlined in the student’s Catalog. For more information, please review the Appealing a Final Grade Policy and/or the Grievance Policy.

Policy Responsibility

Staff, Faculty, and Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all staff, faculty, and students to abide by the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy.

IT Department

It is the responsibility of the IT Department to notify the CEO and/or COO if technology is being used inappropriately.

Policy Procedure

Grade Reporting At End of Term: Faculty are responsible for submitting final grades in the Learning Management System by the Grade Due date at the end of the term. The LMS will then pass the grade to the Student Information System, Populi.

Changing a Grade: If a faculty member needs to update a student’s grade due to a clerical error or resolution of an Incomplete Grade, the faculty member will need to submit a Grade Change Form to the Registrar with proper documentation.


Incomplete Grade Request Form

Grade Replacement Form

Grade Appeal Form

Approvals/Revision History

Policy was revised and approved on: May 11th, 2021

Policy was approved by: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer


