Policy Overview
Enrolled degree seeking students may pursue one or more additional Non-Degree Certificates. Non-Degree Certificates are courses from the Doctor of Behavioral Health Program packaged together to create specialty certificates in different fields of integrated healthcare. Eligibility in earning Non-Degree Certificates will be determined by the enrolled student and the Academic Advisor during their initial Program of Study (POS) meeting. This will allow the Academic Advisor and Registrar to properly track and ensure students are able to achieve the Non-Degree Certificates while earning their degree. In addition, this will ensure that enrolled students are staying within Satisfactory Academic Progress for the degree program.
List of Non-Degree Certificates
A full list of the Non-Degree Certificates and the required courses to earn the certificates can be found in the Form section of this policy.
- Certificate of Integrated Care in Adult (16 credit hours)
- Certificate of Integrated Care in Gerontology (13 credit hours)
- Certificate of Integrated Care in Military Families & Veterans (12 credit hours)
- Certificate of Integrated Care in Women’s Health (12 credit hours)
- Certificate of Integrated Care in Leadership (13 credit hours)
- Certificated in Trauma Informed Healthcare (12 credit hours)
Program of Study (POS)
Students’ POS priority should be towards their degree program. Credits taken for their degree program can count towards any number of Non-Degree Certificates within the credit hour limit of the degree seeking program. Non-Degree Certificates cannot delay progression in a degree seeking POS. In addition, once a student has fulfilled their degree seeking POS requirements, they cannot continue to take courses as a degree seeking student. They will need to graduate from the degree program, and then convert into a Non-Degree Seeking student to complete any outstanding certificates. This conversion could be applicable to fees shown below.
Completion of Non-Degree Certificates
Each term, when degree seek students’ POS is reviewed by the Registrar and Academic Advisor, if a Non-Degree Certificate is completed per the POS, the Registrar will confer the Non-Degree Certificate and award the certificate to the student Official Transcript. Students earning Non-Degree Certificates are not eligible to walk or be a part of CGI’s graduation ceremony unless they have completed their degree seeking program and are eligible to participate in earning their degree. Non-Degree Certificates are distributed through a student’s transcript (official and unofficial).
Upon completion of the student degree, they will need to apply for graduation according to the graduation application process listed in the student’s catalog. Any Non-Degree Certificates earned during the students’ degree seeking program will be conferred as a part of their final degree audit, if they haven’t been conferred prior to graduation.
Veteran Affairs Benefits
As of Feb. 10, 2021, the Doctor of Behavioral program is the only program at CGI eligible for VA Educational Benefits. VA Education Benefits eligible students should work with the school certifying officer (email: veterans@cgi.edu). Students who are VA Benefits Eligible will be able to have their credits earned for the Doctor of Behavioral Health program also count towards their Non-Degree Certificates. Students receiving VA Benefits are not eligible to earn more than the minimum required credits to complete the Doctor of Behavioral program. If a degree seeking student completes the Doctor of Behavioral Health program and wants to continue as a Non-Degree seeking student, they will be subject to paying for the certificate tuition and fees out of pocket.
Tuition and Fees
Students enrolled Spring I 2022 and prior are eligible to add the Non-Degree Certificates to their Program of Study (POS) at no additional cost or fee to the student. Any newly enrolled student starting in Fall 2022 and after will be subject to the Certificate Fee. The Certificate Fees are assessed to offset the administrative costs of POS oversight and additional tracking by the Academic Advisor and Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator.
The following table is for any students enrolled in the DBH Program, Spring I 2022 and prior.
The cost of the certificate fee breakdown is below:
Type of Fee | Standard Fee Rate | Military Discount Fee |
Cost Per Certificate for students enrolled Spring I 2022 and prior | $0/certificate | $0/certificate |
Cost Per Certificate for students enrolled Fall 2022 and after.
*fee will be assessed at the time of decision |
$200/certificate | $180/certificate |
Certificate cost per credit hour once the student has completed the degree seeking POS and is converting to a non-degree seeking student. | $350/credit hour
$1,050 – 3 credit hours $4,200 – 12 credit hours $4,550 – 13 credit hours $4,900 – 14 credit hours $5,600 – 16 credit hours |
$315/credit hour
$945 – 3 credit hours $3,780 – 12 credit hours $4,095 – 13 credit hours $4,410 – 14 credit hours $5,040 – 16 credit hours |
Official Transcript Fee
*Beyond the copy provided at degree seeking graduation |
$20 | $20 |
Additional Diploma Fee
*Beyond the copy provided at degree seeking graduation |
$20 | $20 |
Other fees
*Late payment (applied every month until payment is current) **Returned check ***Declined credit card payment |
$25 | $25 |
The following table is for any students enrolled in the DBH Program, Fall 2022 and after. This table reflects the tuition increase starting for the Fall 2022 term.
The cost of the certificate fee breakdown is below:
Type of Fee | Standard Fee Rate | Military Discount Fee |
Cost Per Certificate for students enrolled Spring I 2022 and prior | $0/certificate | $0/certificate |
Cost Per Certificate for students enrolled Fall 2022 and after.
*fee will be assessed at the time of decision |
$200/certificate | $180/certificate |
Certificate cost per credit hour once the student has completed the degree seeking POS and is converting to a non-degree seeking student. | $400/credit hour
$1,200 – 3 credit hours $4,800 – 12 credit hours $5,200 – 13 credit hours $5,600 – 14 credit hours $6,400 – 16 credit hours |
$360/credit hour
$1,080 – 3 credit hours $4,320 – 12 credit hours $4,680 – 13 credit hours $5,040 – 14 credit hours $5,760 – 16 credit hours |
Official Transcript Fee
*Beyond the copy provided at degree seeking graduation |
$20 | $20 |
Additional Diploma Fee
*Beyond the copy provided at degree seeking graduation |
$20 | $20 |
Other fees
*Late payment (applied every month until payment is current) **Returned check ***Declined credit card payment |
$25 | $25 |
Policy Responsibility
Staff Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the Academic Advisor to understand the course requirements for each Non-Degree Certificate. In addition it is their responsibility to understand their advisee’s degree seeking POS to ensure students are aware of which Non-Degree Certificates they would be eligible for while earning their degree.
It is the responsibility of the Registrar to ensure all courses are accounted for in their degree and non-degree POS. The Registrar is also responsible for conferring degree and non-degree certificates in the students’ POS and within the Student Information System (SIS).
The Student Billing Office is responsible for billing students the appropriate tuition and fees for the Non-Degree Certificates if applicable.
Student Responsibility
It is the responsibility of each student to understand this policy and abide by the policy and procedure. Should a student have any questions regarding this policy, they should email registrar@cgi.edu.
Policy Procedure
Student Enrolled Fall 2021 and prior:
- The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will audit every enrolled student in the degree seeking program by July 18th, 2021. In addition, as new students are enrolled for the Spring I 2022 term, the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will ensure each new student’s POS will include the Non-Degree Certificates.
- The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will add all Non-Degree Certificate Program of Studies to each enrolled student’s original POS.
- The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will notify each Academic Advisor once the audit is completed for their students. The audit will include which Non-Degree Certificates students have already completed and which ones they would be eligible for during their remaining time enrolled as a degree seeking student.
- The Academic Advisor will then need to meet or email with their students, individually, to communicate the Non-Degree Certificates the students have already completed or that they are eligible to earn during the remaining time in their degree seeking POS.
- Once the Academic Advisor and Student have had the discussion, the Academic Advisor will need to update the student’s POS and tag the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator in the document so they can then add the certificate to their SIS and continue to track during the POS review after each term.
- At the conclusion of each term, the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will update the student’s POS and provide notice of any updates to the POS during SAP notification.
- Note: if a student wants to add a Non-Degree Certificate to their POS, they will need to notify their Academic Advisor via email. The Academic Advisor will need to work with the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator to ensure that adding the Non-Degree Certificate will not conflict with the degree seeking POS and SAP.
Student First Enrollment Spring 1 2022 and after:
- Once the degree seeking student has completed New Student Orientation (NSO), they are required to meet with their Academic Advisor. During this meeting, the Academic Advisor will discuss the students plan for their Program of Study and options for earning Non-Degree Certificates. This discussion will also need to include the student’s expected timeframe to complete the program, any specialties the students are interested in, and the financial repercussions for earning the Non-Degree Certificates.
- After the completion of the initial advising meeting, the Academic Advisor will notify the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator.
- The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will then update the student’s POS accordingly, then monitor, and track the POS each term.
- If there are any applicable tuition and fees, the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will notify the Student Billing Office.
- Note: if a student wants to add a Non-Degree Certificate to their POS after their initial meeting with their Academic Advisor, they will need to notify their Academic Advisor via email. The Academic Advisor will need to work with the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator to ensure that adding the Non-Degree Certificate will not conflict with the degree seeking POS and SAP. After confirmation the Non-Degree Certificate will not conflict, the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will notify the Student Billing Office to invoice the student for the applicable tuition and fees.
Degree seeking students that have finished their Degree POS and want to continue taking Non-Degree Certificates:
- The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will review the student’s POS prior to their final term as a degree seeking student. The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will send out the Graduation Application for the degree seeking program per the Graduation Application procedure. Within the Graduation Application will be an option to request to be converted to a Non-Degree Seeking student after completion of their degree program.
- If the student is interested in continuing as a non-degree seeking student, they will need to fill out the Graduation Application and check off their intent to be converted to a non-degree seeking student with the list of non-degree certificates they want to achieve.
- The Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will review the Graduation Application.
- Upon completion and conference of the student degree seeking program, the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will finalize the degree seeking program and then reclassify the student to be a non-degree seeking student.
- At the time of the conversion to a non-degree seeking student, the Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator will create an update POS specific to non-degree seeking students.
- Once students enroll in the first term as a non-degree seeking student, they will need to abide by all non-degree seeking policies and procedures which also includes non-degree tuition and fees.
2021-2022 ed. 1 Doctor of Behavioral Health POS
Integrated Behavioral Health Certificates
Trauma Information Healthcare Certificates
Approvals/Revision History
Policy was revised on: September 27, 2021
Policy was approved by and date: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, September 27, 2021