Policy Overview
Leave of Absence (LOA) is defined as a temporary break from academic registration with a clear intent to return to their program of study for reasons including but not limited to medical, military, or voluntary. An approved Leave of Absence will enable a student to re‐enter their degree program without re‐applying to the university. A student on Leave of Absence is not required to pay fees; however, they are not permitted to place any demands on institute faculty or use any institute resources. Cummings Graduate Institute will consider granting an academic Leave of Absence (LOA) after a student has completed at least one (1) credit in their program of study.
Satisfactory Academic Progress: In order to remain in good academic standing according to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, the student may only request to be on leave for a maximum of two (2) consecutive academic terms. Leave of Absence does not impact pace within a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress. Should a Leave of Absence result in the student exceeding the maximum time frame of five (5) years to complete their degree, the Director of the Program may grant an exception authorizing additional time to complete the degree not to exceed seven (7) years from start of enrollment.
If a student is requesting an in-term Leave of Absence, any course(s) a student is enrolled in at the time of Leave of Absence will result in a W grade and will need to be retaken upon their return to their program of study. For a Leave of Absence requested prior to the start of the term, the student will be withdrawn from any enrolled courses and refunded any corresponding tuition payments.
Policy Responsibility
Student Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the student to submit the Leave of Absence Request Form and all supporting documentation to CGI via the Leave of Absence Form.
Instructor & Administrative Staff Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Academic Advisor to review all Leave of Absence Requests and document the review process and outcome, then communicate the outcome to the Registrar. The Registrar will then communicate the outcome of the review to the student and Academic Advisor.
It is the Registrar’s responsibility to review all Leave of Absence Requests and documentation, communicate with the Academic Advisor to notify them of a Leave of Absence request, file all documentation in the student’s paper and digital files, communicate with the Student Billing Department and Electronic Campus Department should any changes in the student’s course registration status take place, and communicate the outcome and corresponding procedural steps with the student. Four (4) weeks prior to the indicated Leave of Absence return date, the Registrar will contact the student to provide them with re-entry instructions to guide their return from a leave of absence.
It is the responsibility of the Director of the Program to review and render a decision on an exception request as related to a Leave of Absence request.
System Update Responsibilities
For any changes in the following systems, the identified departments or staff members are responsible as outlined:
- Populi – The Registrar is responsible for making access changes in this system in alignment with this policy once the Leave of Absence request is approved.
- Learning Management System – The Electronic Campus Department is responsible for making access changes in this system in alignment with this policy. The Registrar is responsible for communicating the start and end dates of the Leave of Absence of the student to the Electronic Campus Department once the Leave of Absence request is approved.
- Library – The Electronic Campus Department is responsible for making access changes in this system in alignment with this policy. The Registrar is responsible for communicating the start and end dates of the Leave of Absence of the student to the Electronic Campus Department once the Leave of Absence request is approved.
- Communication – The Academic Advisor and Faculty are responsible for modifying their communication with the student in alignment with this policy. The Registrar is responsible for communicating the start and end dates of the Leave of Absence of the student to the Academic Advisor and Faculty once the Leave of Absence request is approved.
Policy Procedure
In general, a Leave of Absence should be requested a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the beginning of an academic term. Exceptions to this guideline, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any student wishing to request a Leave of Absence needs to submit a Leave of Absence Request Form to their Academic Advisor along with any necessary documentation (i.e. medical note, deployment documentation, or workforce documentation). The Academic Advisor will review and approve or deny any requests within fourteen (14) calendar days. The Academic Advisor will submit the Leave of Absence Request Form and any supporting documentation to the Registrar, who will then confirm with the student the decision on the Leave of Absence.
Four (4) weeks prior to the indicated Leave of Absence return date, the Registrar will contact the student to provide them with re-entry instructions to guide their return from a leave of absence. The Registrar will notify the student’s Academic Advisor of the student’s decision. If the student decides to resume their coursework, the Academic Advisor must contact the student to schedule their Program of Study meeting in collaboration with the Registrar to identify the course(s) the student needs to enroll in future terms and modify the degree completion date, if needed, which will be reflected in the student’s revised Program of Study. If the student decides to not continue as an enrolled student at CGI, the Registrar will process their request of withdrawal. If a student fails to communicate with the Registrar by the end date of Leave of Absence, CGI will deem the student inactive, terminate the student from their Program of Study, and withdraw them from enrollment.
With the exception of Military Leave of Absence, if a student needs additional time beyond the two (2) consecutive academic terms allocated, they will need to submit another Leave of Absence Form requesting an extension including their reason for the extension. The Registrar will work with the student’s Academic Advisor to approve or deny the request if within the maximum time allotment of two (2) consecutive academic terms. If the request is beyond the two (2) consecutive academic term maximum, the Registrar will work with the Director of the Program and the Academic Advisor to approve or deny the request. If any additional documentation is required, the Registrar will communicate directly with students.
On the first day of a Leave of Absence, a student’s access is revised as follows:
- Populi – Student role remains active. Start and leave dates of the Leave of Absence will reflect on the student information section of the student information tab. A system tag “Leave of Absence” will be applied to the student’s account. Leave of Absence dates are not included on a student’s transcript.
- Learning Management System – Student access remains active. Students have access to system announcements but no access to courses.
- Library – Student access is suspended. Students will have access to the library upon return from Leave of Absence.
- Communication – The student continues to receive institutional communication via email, including but not limited to Catalog Announcements, finance office messages, student newsletters, monthly newsletters, and announcements. Communication from the student’s Academic Advisor and Faculty will pause for the duration of the Leave of Absence.
Upon return from a Leave of Absence, a student’s access is revised as follows:
- Populi – Student role is active. Leave of Absence will no longer be reflected on the student information section of the student information tab. The system tag is removed.
- Learning Management System – Student role is active. Students return to active student access to the system, including prior and currently enrolled courses.
- Library – Student role is active. Students return to active student access to the library.
- Communication – The student receives institutional communication via email and communication from the student’s Academic Advisor and Faculty resumes.
Approvals/Revision History
Policy was revised on: April, 10th, 2020
Policy was approved by: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer