MHL and DBH Course Equivalencies Policy



Policy Overview

Cummings Graduate Institute has created this policy to provide an overview of what types of courses enrolled students are allowed to take to count towards their current degree program and program of study.

Doctor of Behavioral Health (DBH) Enrolled Students

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Behavioral Health Program and unable to take master level courses that would be applied towards their doctoral degree. Master courses are not at the educational level of a doctoral program and thus would not be rigorous enough to be considered and applied towards a doctoral program of study.

Master of Healthcare Leadership (MHL) Enrolled Students

Students enrolled in the Master in Healthcare Leadership Program are eligible to take classes from the Doctor of Behavioral Health course catalog with the Director's approval. Courses taken at the doctoral level can be applied to the student’s master degree program of study. Since doctoral courses are higher in rigor and above the level of the master degree, the credits can be transferred down to the master degree level.

If Master of Healthcare Leadership Enrolled Students decide to continue their educational studies at CGI for the Doctor of Behavioral Health Program, they would be eligible to transfer in any doctoral level credits earned while studying in the master program.

For example, a master level student takes DBH 9016: Independent Study/Speciality Topics - Healthcare Finance. Then this student decides to move forward and enroll in the Doctor of Behavioral Health Program, CGI would accept internal transfer credit for the DBH 9016: Independent Study/Speciality Topics - Healthcare Finance course would be applied towards their Doctor of Behavioral Health Program of Study as an elective course. Thus dropping their remaining elective courses needed to complete the program.

Policy Responsibility

Staff Responsibility

Registrar: It is the responsibility of the Registrar to ensure compliance with this policy for courses students are enrolling in for their program. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Registrar to ensure appropriate transfer credits are applied appropriately to a student’s program of study.

Director of the MHL Program: It is the responsibility of the Director of the MHL Program to communicate this policy appropriately with the students in the program. In addition, when applicable, review and approve requests for master degree students to take doctoral level courses.

Compliance Department: It is the responsibility of the Compliance Department to audit student records and program of studies to ensure compliance with this policy.

Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the students to enroll in courses they are eligible to enroll in for their degree level/program. In addition, it is the responsibility of the students to work with their Academic Advisor or Registrar to determine eligibility for the course they wish to enroll in for their program.

Policy Procedure

  1. If a MHL degree student wishes to enroll in a doctoral level DBH course, they need to email the Director of the MHL Program and Registrar to request an exception to enroll in the doctoral level course prior to the course registration deadline.
  2. The Director of the MHL Program will review the request and grant or deny the request. This request should be in the form of a response to the student’s original email with the Registrar copied on the email.
  3. If the request is:
    1. Denied, the student may not enroll in the doctoral level course.
    2. Approved, the Register that is copied on the original email request will enroll the student in the requested course.
  4. The Registrar will then notify the student of this enrollment confirmation.
  5. The Student Billing Team will invoice the student according to the bill date listed on the academic calendar.


At this time, there are no student forms associated with this policy.

Approvals/Revision History

Policy was revised on: May 12, 2022

Policy was approved by and date: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, May 12, 2022


