Policy Overview
To promote academic integrity and to facilitate a secured testing environment, Cummings Graduate Institute has established guidelines and procedures by which students enrolled in online courses may take proctored examinations. Trust and acting with integrity is an important value at CGI.
Faculty and students share the responsibility for maintaining the probity of the educational experience and preserving high standards of excellence. Cheating on exams is contrary to both academic integrity standards and to ethical standards as articulated in Cummings Graduate Institute’s values. The policy herein on remotely-proctored examinations, cheating, and due process is designed to structure learning situations that encourage honesty and deter cheating.
All online courses offered through Cummings Graduate Institute include examinations that must be taken under the supervision of proctors in a secured browser-based environment. Instructors determine whether proctored exams to assess achievement of course learning outcomes are required for their courses. In courses where a proctored content exam is not required, students will take a remotely-proctored syllabus quiz. Students are required to take all proctored exams. Because Cummings Graduate Institute is an online school, those exams must be taken using a remotely-proctored testing solution.
Policy Responsibility
Staff Responsibility
Enforce provisions of the Academic Integrity policy and provide final approval for accommodations, approvals, requests, or exceptions to this policy. Communicate rules and conditions for exams that are proctored outside of the learning environment to the approved proctor. Determine academic or disciplinary sanctions for instances of cheating.
Instructional Design Team Responsibility
Act as Test Coordinator; assists faculty with scheduling of online proctored exams, establishing rules for exams, and troubleshooting problems with exams.
Faculty Responsibility
Inform students of exam rules; inform Administration and Instructional Design of any needed accommodations, approvals, requests, or exceptions to this policy in a timely manner; supervise administration of test in cases where a remotely-proctored testing solution is not possible; communicate any suspected rule violations or suspicious behavior during the exam to Administration immediately. See D.2. Instructor Responsibilities for details.
Student Responsibility
Ensure that hardware and applications meet the technical requirements for remotely-proctored exams; communicate needs for accommodations, approvals, requests, or exceptions within the timeframe specified. Abstain from cheating, avoid the appearance of cheating, and guard against making it possible for others to cheat. See C.1. Student Responsibilities for details.
Policy Procedure
A. Remotely-proctored exams in the online learning environment
Online proctored exams are proctored using an automated exam proctoring software that is integrated into the Canvas learning platform. Students taking online proctored exams are required to use this system.
Students are required to establish identity following the procedures outlined in the online testing solution’s instructions, which are provided at the beginning of a test session. Wherever the student chooses to take the exam, the testing environment should resemble a traditional proctored exam environment.
B. Accommodations
If a student requires special accommodations based upon a documented disability which prevent the use of a remotely-proctored testing solution, a request for alternate testing arrangements should be submitted to the course instructor at least two weeks in advance of the exam’s start date. If accommodations are necessary during proctored testing, it is the instructor’s responsibility to make sure that accommodations are made.
C. Exam procedures.
Students must show proper picture identification, properly prepare and provide a view of their examination environment, and follow all rules established for the exam within the prescribed time limit.
D. Alternatives to Remotely-Proctored Examinations
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the necessary materials from the course in the learning management system and to ensure she or he has a computer adequate for the task. In the event that a student taking a distance learning course is unable to take a remotely-proctored examination, the instructor will be expected to serve as the proctor for the student. The instructor may proctor the exam face-to-face using video conferencing technology at a date and time mutually agreed upon but within the window for taking the exam.
In cases where it is not possible for the instructor to serve as the proctor for the student, the student may secure the services of an external proctor approved by Cummings Graduate Institute, as noted below. Students who fail to identify an external proctor or submit a proctored exam request within at least two weeks prior to the date in which they plan to take an exam may not be able to utilize a proctor or forfeit the opportunity to take the exam. These students are subject to their instructor’s make-up policies for exams.
- Student Responsibilities
- Check the course syllabus to determine whether a proctored exam is required.
- Identify a proctor who meets institutional requirements, as noted below.
- Complete the Request for Examination form a minimum of two weeks in advance
- Receive approval from the instructor and from the Director
- Make all arrangements for the proctored testing session
- Appear at the testing location promptly with photo identification
- Comply with testing conditions
- Pay proctor/testing center fees when required by the proctor’s organization
- Pay any additional charges associated with an external proctor or testing service
- Any proctoring or testing center fees are the responsibility of the student.
- Return the Proctored Exam affidavit within 48 hours of exam completion to the Registrar.
- Instructor Responsibilities
- Instructors shall be the first and preferred option for proctoring exams when a remotely-proctored testing solution is not possible.
- Identify the conditions under which an examination is to be taken, including access to notes, books, internet, and time limits, and communicate this to the proctor.
- Prepare the test in a format and on a schedule that allows transmission to the proctor in a timely manner.
- Determine whether and under what circumstances a student may review the test after it has been graded.
- Proctor Qualifications and Responsibilities
- Proctors shall be disinterested third-parties. A disinterested third party is an individual who has no vested interest in the student’s academic success. The proctor should not be related to the examinee; not an immediate supervisor, co-worker, or employee of the examinee; nor a close friend.
- Tutoring and test preparation centers such as Sylvan Learning Centers, Huntington Learning Centers or others are acceptable.
- Proctors shall be cognizant of the proper role of a test administrator. This includes understanding appropriate testing conditions and procedures, verifying the identification of the student, providing an appropriate testing environment, administering the test according to the instructions by the institution or instructor, submitting and returning the exam as directed, and reporting any instances of attempted cheating or use of unauthorized materials during the exam to the Director or Assistant Director of the program.
- Proctors shall submit a Proctored Examination Affidavit for each exam proctored for each student.
In addition to the above responsibilities, students are expected to follow the Cummings Graduate Institute policies for academic integrity and the Student Code of Conduct, detailed in the Cummings Graduate Institute Catalog, and are subject to all stipulations of those policies and code.
The remote proctoring service will provide a report for each student exam administered. Status levels of exam comments and records, with procedures, are detailed as follows
- Status: Clean. This designation is used when there are no activities by the student that break any exam rules.
- Status: Rules violation. A rule violation occurs when a rule is broken, but the activity does not impact exam integrity (i.e. playing music).
- Faculty members should alert the Director or Assistant Director to see if this is the first incident of misconduct.
- If it is the first incident, the faculty member alerts the student and Director or Assistant Director to the rule violation via email and documents the email in Populi.
- If it is a recurring incident, the Director or Assistant Director will inform the faculty member. The Director or Assistant Director shall determine whether the violation is subject to academic or disciplinary action. The penalties imposed by may range from an unsatisfactory grade on a particular assignment or examination to expulsion from CGI.
- Status: Suspicious. “Suspicious activity” occurs when the behavior directly compromises exam integrity.
- Photo identification not verified.
- Faculty member alerts student and Academic Advisor to the issue and requests via email that the student provide a photo of him/herself holding up the identification that was used for the exam to the faculty member within five (5) business days.
- The faculty member will upload the photo to Populi, the student information center, along with a copy of the email for documentation purposes.
- The Academic Advisor will review and determine whether further action is needed.
- Other suspicious activity noted. This may include, but is not limited to, cheating, using a telephone, leaving the room, someone else entering the room, wearing a headset, unauthorized reference materials, or did not provide a view of the exam environment, or any other violations not included in the above list.
- Upon reviewing a “Suspicious” report, the faculty member must immediately alert the Academic Advisor and Director or Assistant Director of the program that a potential academic integrity violation has occurred.
- The Director or Assistant Director will view the desktop and webcam video provided by the automated, integrated exam proctoring tool.
- If the violation is determined to be something that did not compromise the integrity of the exam, the Director or Assistant Director will notify the instructor via email, advise the student in writing, and provide documentation to the student record in Populi.
- If the violation is determined to be something that compromised the academic integrity of the exam, the Director or Assistant Director will inform the Director. The Director or Assistant Director shall determine whether the violation is subject to academic or disciplinary action. The penalties imposed by may range from an unsatisfactory grade on a particular assignment or examination to expulsion from CGI.
- The Director or Assistant Director will view the desktop and webcam video provided by the automated, integrated exam proctoring tool.
- Upon reviewing a “Suspicious” report, the faculty member must immediately alert the Academic Advisor and Director or Assistant Director of the program that a potential academic integrity violation has occurred.
- Photo identification not verified.
Request for Examination and Proctor Approval
Proctored Examination Affidavit
Approvals/Revision History
Policy was revised on: May 15, 2023
Policy was approved by: Amanda Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, May 15, 2023